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Silver Linings...

At ESWF, one of our key agendas is to bring the global esports community together and unite players from all over the world in a competitive but fun environment.

Gamers within the community keep telling us about problems with online gaming...issues with frame rate and lag, and how it is unfair to the player with the higher ping rates. This has been a common theme for all online games for decades. No solutions. Guess what - we listened.

The team at ESWF Canada addressed the issue, and an idea was born by one of our members and evolved into a working theme. We ran some beta tests with fantastic results, but the best part was - hearing from the players involved just how much fun it was. We can't remember in recent memory when the competing players were excited and laughing while playing a game they were passionate about. It is always serious and tense. This was a magnificent change from the norm.

- we eliminated the gamer class. No more amateurs or pros.

- we leveled the competition to a point where everyone is relatively equal regardless of how much experience or skill.

At a high level, let me introduce you to Lag Wars.

Minimum 3 servers

- Server 1 South East Asia

- Server 2 North America

- Server 3 Lag Wars defined

Players/teams are divided into regions of their origin.

- All teams in the Asian market log in to the SEA server.

- All teams in North America log into the NA server

The teams compete in their region for dominance, with the winner receiving a prize for winning the "Server" and advancing to the Lag Wars final battle.

This is where it gets interesting...

with the server winners being identified and ready to compete after playing in favorable conditions on their servers ..we select the LAG WARS server. The selected server will be THE WORST server with THE HIGHEST PING.

The two teams sign in and battle, with the winner winning a second prize for winning the Lag Wars server and becoming the tournament champion.

In a nutshell, this is what LAG WARS is all about....having fun while still being competitive and learning. It truly is an all-inclusive event where everyone is welcome to try their luck.

ESWF is always looking for ways to deliver game content that is fresh and new. We are proud to make gaming fun again. The silver lining was born from a problem that has existed since the beginning of the computer age.

If you want to see LAG WARS in action - ESWF will be hosting a Valorant tournament on December 17, 2022, and judge for yourself.

Registration/streaming link: