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Soulslike Game Bleak Faith: Forsaken Gets Release Date Trailer

Based on the recently released release date trailer, Bleak Faith: Forsaken will be released very soon. Fans who are still buzzing after the excitement of Elder Ring can't wait to play the game because it has a very soulslike style, both in terms of fighting and appearance.

Kickstarter is where Bleak Faith: Forsaken first appeared. The game was created by only 3 developers and the Kickstarter has received $31,199 from 362 backers, falling short of the stretch goal that would've added companions at $50,000. Archangel Studios chose that path because, in its own words, "we want to crowdfund the game because we're building a game for gamers - not for investors." Dark fantasy and cyberpunk are combined in Bleak Faith: Forsaken. The story follows one of the Forsaken hunters who is defending what's left of mankind in the realm of The Omnistructure.

Fans of the genre will recognize the spirit of Dark Souls in the trailer, but the world's aesthetic distinguishes the game from others in the genre. It features weird monsters that are a mixture of flesh and mechanical elements and alternates between byzantine-like cityscapes and icy, industrial scenery. The most crucial aspect of the gameplay is shown in the trailer, along with the player character's capacity to be customized. The release date is now announced to be March 10. Bleak Faith: Forsaken is now only planned to be released on PC, but there is a plan for a console release, according to the Kickstarter website, though it will solely depend on the studio receiving the financing for it. Nothing particular is known at this time, but it's rumored to be at the top of the studio's goals and that it might happen a few months after the PC release.

The game was released much later than anticipated—in 2021—because COVID caused a delay. But, it appears from the comments left beneath the trailer that people who have been following the game's development are just as eager to play it when it is ultimately released. Together with other praises, they highlight how the game manages to capture the original Dark Souls vibe. Supporters appreciate the team for the visible passion they put into the project and wish to appreciate the effort the developers put into it.

People typically support the underdog, and Archangel Studios most certainly qualifies. Bleak Faith: Forsaken's adventure will certainly excite many, and hopefully it will live up to the hopes that its Kickstarter backers have for it.

Written by V1tal